For those who value efficiency over everything else, there are few design motifs that are more appealing than industrial design. Even the clean lines and distinctions of Scandinavian design are overshadowed by the overwhelming emphasis on efficiency that industrial design offers. Below are ten of the best tips to help turn any space into an industrial masterpiece, with an eye towards helping at any stage of the design phase.
Get rid of cabinet doors
Picture an industrial kitchen and one of the first things that you’re sure to notice is that there are no cabinet doors. By getting rid of them, cooks can save considerable time. No, this isn’t an overestimation of the amount of time needed to open and shut a door. Instead, ask yourself how many times something has gone missing in your kitchen. Chances are it was hiding behind a cabinet door.
Also, cabinet doors are one other thing that needs to be cleaned, and industrial spaces are nothing if not clean.

Reconsider work surfaces
That emphasis on cleanliness carries over to work surfaces as well. Butcher block counters and other porous work surfaces have no place in an industrial kitchen. They’re too hard to keep clean, and they just don’t fit the clean aesthetic.
Instead, strongly consider stainless steel. It is incredibly easy to wipe down after use and it looks great with just about anything. While it may not look like ‘grandma’s kitchen,’ it will still provide a great workspace to make any kind of cookie imaginable.

Sanitation centered!
Speaking of easy to clean, look around the kitchen and see how to put sanitation first. An industrial kitchen draws much for its design from needing to satisfy health inspections, after all. You likely don’t need to install a drain in the floor to make mopping easier (but if you want to, we’re not going to stop you), but providing sanitary ways of disposing of trash or used linens can help streamline your entire kitchen.
Considering lighting options
Finding those features is much easier with great lighting choices. Take advantage of the opportunity to install low profile or minimalist pieces that don’t require a lot of cleaning or polishing. After all, crystal chandeliers have no place in an industrial design. Additionally, these will help make sure that you can get light anywhere; with an emphasis on function first, you can put lighting under cabinets and even under the countertop.
Alongside sanitation, functionality should drive everything. One increasingly common amenity in recent years are large faucets that allow pots of water to be filled easily. These are a great idea.
What may not be a great idea is the use of such faucets over the range. While the idea makes sense at first, being able to fill pots of water without carrying them across the kitchen, the lack of a drain makes this a messy proposition.
Consider the fridge
If you’re considering an industrial design for your kitchen, then you are likely thinking of stainless steel fridges. There are a number of options available here. For those willing to go head-on into industrial design, look at shopping at restaurant surplus stores for larger stainless steel fridges. While they may not have water or ice dispensers, they have unrivaled storage space.
Alternatively, consider an under the counter fridge. This is great for storing things like cheese, milk, bacon, and other high frequency ingredients. Note that this suggestion does lose some of its practicality for older, less flexible homeowners.

Three compartment sinks
Most health codes require three compartment sinks; one to wash, one to rinse, and one to sanitize. Even if you’re not considering applying for a certificate to cook professionally out of your kitchen, this still can make a lot of sense.
First, as the 2020 pandemic has taught, sometimes it does make sense to sanitize. This is especially true for persons with increased risk of contracting certain diseases, but also makes sense any time you’re dealing with poultry.
Second, the ability to put your dirtiest dishes in a compartment to soak while the rest of dishes are washed, or the ability to prepare salad greens in a separate area, can be very valuable. This is especially true if you have a tendency to entertain.
Hanging pots
Once again, close your eyes and imagine a professional kitchen. One of the first things you’re likely to notice are all the pots and pans hanging, all within easy reach. Not only does this make sense practically, but it also helps make sure that you are able to move from different tasks in the kitchen as quickly as possible. Also, a set of copper or stainless steel pans offers great visual appeal, and it is always great to show them off.

While sanitation and functionality are at the front of everyone’s mind when it comes to an industrial motif, safety is even more paramount. Luckily, this type of design allows you to work safety in frequently and prominently. First of all, an industrial design for a kitchen not only accommodates non-slip pads on the floor, but they actually help make the design work.
Second, an industrial design simply does not allow for knives to be thrown into a drawer. Instead, it expects them to be put safely in a block (either on the counter or in a drawer) or, better yet, hung on a magnetic strip. Once again, those knives are a great bit of design, and deserve to be seen by your guests. After all, knives that cost hundreds of dollars help demonstrate your commitment to cooking, and are also masterpieces in and of themselves.
Open space
Finally, industrial design in kitchens begs for open spaces. Even if the space itself is rather snug, a good design will seek to maximize the appearance of space in the area. If an island is present, there is plenty of room to work around it. For smaller kitchens, the lack of cabinet doors means that there is less constriction going on. At every level, the idea is to make the space as roomy as possible.

Popular ideas on Pinterest
From standpoints of safety, sanitation, and functionality, an industrial design is hard to beat for kitchens. While it is definitely not everyone’s aesthetic, this sort of design can allow a homeowner to have plenty of commercial-grade advantages while not sacrificing the idea of design. If going industrial is your kind of thing, here we list our some of the most popular design ideas on Pinterest: